Product News
Nov 1, 2023
Introducing Built In Notification Preference Center

Anand Sukumaran
With our built in notification preference center, your users can easily set notification preferences, right from the notification center. Engagespot is trying to build a complete notification system for your product. And allowing users to manage their notification preference is an important part of a notification system. How to enable preference center in your notification center If you're using our react component @engagespot/react-component
, just upgrade the package to the latest version and there you go. Open your notification center and you can see the notification preference center. If you're using the cdn hosted javascript library, you don't have to do anything because we've updated our cdn with the latest version of Engagespot library. How to configure preference center for your users For the notification preference center to be useful, you should categorize notifications. You can use the category
parameter in the send notifications API. (Unfortunately, creating and managing categories is available only through REST API operations currently, and not avaialble on the Engagespot dashboard.) When you create a category in your App, users will get the choice to select which notification channels to be enabled for a particular category. And whenever you send a notification with category
parameter, it will check your user's preference for that particular category before delivering notifications to them. Detailed documentation on how to create and update categories in your App, please read REST API Doc